Chen wz

Welcome to my website.

I'm Q3dlaXpoaQ. Welcome to my blog.
I think my program skill isn't very well,so I'm happy to give some advice to me.
You can send email to this mailbox: [email protected].

About me

I'm a simple junior student.I love programming in my free time.
I have learnt a number of programming languages,such as C++,C#,Python and so on.
I want to make this website in order to improve my HTML skills.

The Future

I will continue updating the website. And I want to add my games in my website in the future,although it is a bit difficult for me.
I hope mt website can be more beautiful and greater.


Thanks Github give me a chance to release my website.
Thanks https://www.runoob.comlet me know more about the HTML.
Thanks the Visual Studio Code make me edit the code more convenient.
Thanks my older brother unknownpioneer let me know the wonderful of programmings.
Thanks my parents gave me the computer to develop my hobby.

Tools in my Website

The most exciting things in my web is the tools.
You can get V2ray nodes in the APIs.
You can use ChatGPT free in the ChatGPT.
You can parse QRcodes and the 2FA secrets in the 二维码,2FA工具.
It took me a lot of time to do it. I hope these tools can help you.